Why Choose Primorose Mediation?​

Clients are guaranteed that all mediators working for Primrose mediation are qualified and work to recognised exemplary professional standards. They are fully committed to providing clients with an exceptional level of service and they are required to retain client confidentiality at all times. They will ensure that every effort is made to conduct the mediation process in accordance with the disputing parties’ needs and in a relaxed, straightforward way that will enable each of the participants to feel comfortable with the process.

At primrose mediation we offer essential tips and guidance on how to best proceed and manage your on going relationship with your ex partner, ideally keeping things as amicable as possible and getting through the process efficiently and with minimal upset. It is essential that you know what your options are in order to decide what is best for you and your family.

Primrose mediators have legal and/or mediation experience and they can be relied upon to maintain a precise level of professional competence. All of our family law mediators are accredited to one of the officially recognised Family Mediation Council organisations such as The Family Mediators Association, Law Society, Resolution, National Family Mediation or The College of Mediators.



Primrose mediation provides mediation at a local level – seven-days a week – at a time and place best suited to the participants. We listen to the concerns of all the individuals involved in a dispute, and encourage you to reach a satisfactory conclusion that will resolve matters in a way that is most acceptable to all. We will promote free and open discussion that will help disputing parties to understand their opponent’s viewpoint, and assist their efforts to reach an agreeable solution to resolve the issues.

By listening to all points-of-view and by considering the concerns of everyone involved, the role of our mediator is to act as an unbiased and impartial to work with you in an attempt to settle your differences amicably, in the best interests of all sides without the need for costly court intervention, attempt to narrow the gap between your respective positions and hopefully reach a settlement. Our mediators are not able to legally advise either clients but they can help you guide you through the issues and keep those negotiations between you calm, focused and appropriate.

Divorce and Mental Health

When a spouse is lost through divorce, many people find themselves without a clear roadmap for how to process both the loss itself and the development of a new life and identity separate from the marriage. While for some divorce is a relieving end to a dissatisfying relationship, for others, the disintegration of the relationship and the divorce itself cause deep psychological distress that keeps you from moving forward.

For some, the common feelings of anger, resentment, confusion, fear, shame, and anxiety during and after divorce take up permanent residency in your emotional makeup and wreak havoc on both your mental and physical health. This can be the case even if you were the one who chose to leave the marriage. Our expert team of trained mediators are advocates when it comes to mental health and have the relevant training to understand the impact of separation on a person’s mental well-being.


British Asian divorce is generally breaking families into an ethnic society of single-parent mothers and isolated fathers. A growing number of young Muslims in the UK are entering marriages that are not legally recognised. This is because couples are having an Islamic wedding without the civil ceremony needed for the marriage to be recognised under British law. If a nikkah was not performed in a registered building, no certificate had been issued and no registrar was present, as such it is a non-qualifying ceremony.

This often leaves muslim women who have only had a nikkah in the UK in a vulnerable position because if their marriage breaks down, they would only be treated as cohabitees and would not have the financial remedies following the breakdown of a marriage. This will result in many women having to resort to Sharia Courts, which many are reluctant to do. At Primrose mediation we like to empower our clients to help them reach a fair settlement, despite not having the protection of the law, we understand the cultural sensitivity surrounding this.

What is Family Mediation?

Mediation is the process by which families can negotiate about future arrangements for children with the help of a neutral third party. The mediator does not tell parties what to do, but can help the parties to reach their own agreements amicably, whilst trying to improve communication between them.

Thinking practically can be hard when you are the one going through the separation and feeling the emotion of it which is why having a mediator early on can be a real advantage, giving you access to someone who can help you think through your options with clarity. At Primrose mediation we aim to make your separation work in unique circumstances, it should make sense for you, meet the needs of your children and stay within your financial means. We lead clients through your options at your own pace, be a point of reference and give you some confidence to move forward.


What issues can be discussed in mediation?

Deciding whether to separate from your partner is one of the biggest decisions you can make and it is an incredibly emotional one too. Clients will often need guidance on how to make co-parenting work. Sometimes clients need a nudge in the right direction on what to do next.

If you’re in the UK as a dependant on your partner’s visa, you’ll also need to check if you can stay –  check if you can stay in the UK on a visa after separation or a divorce.

Don’t feel pressured into a decision that’s not right for you. You’ll have a better chance of reaching an agreement if you wait until you’re ready to talk.

What to discuss?

  • Where their children are going to live
  • How much time they are going to spend with each parent
  • How much time children can spend with both extended family and friends
  • Their child’s schooling
  • Holiday arrangements
  • Co-parenting Improving communication between each other
  • What to tell the children about the separation and how to reassure them
  • The introduction and involvement of new partners
  • Accommodation for yourself
  • how to divide up any money or belongings you share

How can our mediators help you?

At Primrose Mediation our team of trained expert mediators, have the passion and experience to help couples discuss and negotiate all aspects of a divorce or separation and helping them reach joint decisions about the future.

Striving to help our clients rebuild their lives and strengthen their relationships both with their children and soon-to-be ex-spouses so that they can move forward with the next chapter of their lives in the best way possible.

Asian mediators can deal with the following disputes

Our team has a wealth of experience in handling family mediation cases from the Asian community, and we have an extraordinary understanding of the culture. Our muslim Asian mediators help clients all over the UK and world as we offer online mediation.

The usual issues in dispute concern;

  • Land
  • Property
  • Money
  • Gold
  • Businesses
  • Out of caste, out of race marriages
  • Returning of a dowry

Language, culture, tradition, religious, logistical and jurisdiction barriers just further fuel the dispute. Making it that much more frustrating, complicated, stressful, time-consuming and expensive.