
Mediation can be a cost and time-effective process, with meetings arranged fairly swiftly and regularly so that your dispute is not unnecessarily dragged out. You and your ex-partner make the decisions which means you retain autonomy over how your dispute is progressed and settled. 

Before court proceedings are started there is a requirement that the applicant and the respondent (if they agree to attend, each attend what is called a MIAM, individual meeting with the mediator to discuss what mediation is, a brief overview of your dispute and whether mediation might be appropriate to resolve your issues. If after your MIAM you decide not to use mediation, or if you are prevented from using mediation because your ex-partner refuses to attend, the mediator will sign a form to say the MIAM has been attended. You must have that signed form if you then want to make an application to the court. There are exemptions to this requirement such as, where domestic violence has occurred.  

British Asian marital relationships are collapsing at a disconcerting rate. Numerous within the very first year of marital relationship and typically consist of couples that have actually dated for an extended period prior to their marriage. British Asian divorce is usually breaking households into an ethnic society of single mums and separated daddies. The Skyrocketing rate of British Asian Divorce Children is maturing with disjointed parenting and environments of bitterness and hatred among both parents. This raises the concern of the psychological stability and regard within future relationships of the kids too. This is why at Primrose Mediation, not only are our mediators qualified in family mediation they are able to understand the sensitivity around culture and religion.

What is a MIAM?

The MIAM (Mediation Information Assessment Meeting) is a meeting between you and a mediator to find out if there are alternative ways to find solutions to your problems.

The first session is usually to understand the issues in dispute and to set out an idea of what you both want to achieve. There is no limit on how many mediation sessions you can attend. It might be that you only need two or three for simpler disputes, while more complex disputes will likely require more. The number of sessions needed will be estimated during the MIAM consultation.


Sole Mediation

One mediator works with both parties from beginning to end. For example, couples and families work with one family mediator.


The dynamics between you and the partner you are separating from may be complex, so might the matters that you need to sort out. In which case co-mediation might be just what you are looking for to finally help find solutions and a constructive way forward. Two people working together may be more likely to overcome challenges than one person working alone. Different mediators will have different skills, experience and personalities. Choosing co mediation can enable you to combine these to make mediation more productive and more effective overall.

For example where emotions are high following a separation, having a mediator who has a background as a lawyer together with a mediator who has a therapeutic background can be a way of helping to address the barriers that might be in place in preventing solutions being found. Another example is where there are particularly complex financial matters to resolve, in these circumstances a mediator who has a background as a lawyer working together with a mediator who has a background as a financial advisor or an accountant may provide the most effective way forward.


Shuttle Mediation

This is where the two parties in dispute are sat in different rooms and the mediator ‘shuttles’ between them, to try to reach an agreement.

It can be used when there has been domestic abuse in the relationship, where the couple just cannot be in the same room as each other without fighting or where one of them feels so intimidated by the other, that mediation is unlikely to be successful.

Child inclusive mediation

A process of mediation designed to assist parents in reaching good decisions for their children’s future arrangements. It is a process that helps separating parents to focus on the best interests of their children.

Importantly, it gives children the opportunity to have their views heard. Children who have had an opportunity to express their views about the issues affecting them often feel less anxious as a result. Child-inclusive mediation is different to divorce mediation as it also considers parenting issues through the child’s eyes. It can help parents to make parenting decisions that include the wishes of their children.


Divorce and Finance

Financial worries and debts contribute to the breakdown of relationships that may be already under strain. Many families face unemployment, cuts in welfare benefits and rising fuel bills and many couples have large debts. Far from solving their financial problems, separation and divorce make things worse, since two households cost more than one and the separation itself involves further costs. The future may be bleak for both parties Think about what you want to get out of mediation before you start. Mediation is more likely to succeed if you can spend the sessions focusing on things you really disagree on.

If you’re trying to reach an agreement about money or property, you’ll need to fill out a financial disclosure form when you go to mediation. You’ll have to include all your financial information, for example:

  • your income – for example, from work or benefits
  • what you spend on living costs – such as transport, utilities and food
  • how much money you have in bank accounts
  • debts you owe
  • property you own

Start gathering bills and bank statements together to take to the first mediation meeting. Some mediators will send you a form like this to fill in before your first appointment.

It’s important that you and your ex-partner are honest when you talk about your finances. If your ex-partner later finds out you tried to hide something from them, any agreement you make might not be valid. Your ex-partner could also take you to court for a larger share of your money. A mediator can help you and your ex-partner agree on how to split money and property.

It can help you agree on how you’ll divide your assets, including:

  • pensions
  • property
  • savings
  • Investments
  • Liabilities

Our expert mediators can help tackle challenges previously handled mainly by solicitors, to make the best possible use of scarce resources by working co-operatively with the clients.


Divorce and Contact Arrangements

Why make a Parenting Plan?

A Parenting Plan can help you in dealings with your children’s other parent or carer.

  • Divorce and separation are painful for everyone involved – particularly children, who need support, love and good relationships with both parents.
  • Conflict between parents hurts children.
  • It is very important that everyone has some certainty about the future.
  • A written Parenting Plan, worked out between parents, will help clarify the arrangements you need to put in place to care for your children.
  • It will help everyone involved to know what is expected of them and it will be a valuable reference as time passes and circumstances change.


Your Plan will set out practical decisions about children’s care in areas such as:

  • communication and dealing with differences;
  • living arrangements – who your child will spend time with (including other family members such as grandparents), how often and when;
  • money;
  • religion;
  • education;
  • health care;
  • emotional well-being.


Principles for your plan

 Think about the needs of each of your children.

  • Your Plan will be unique – no two parents and no two children are the same.
  • The Plan should be practical, simple and as concrete as possible.
  • You can make it as detailed as you like. The more detailed it is, the clearer it will be, but you may need to review it more often.
  • It’s really important to let your children have a say.